Mission & Vision


To achieve customer delight by executing the assigned job with the highest safety and service standards and closing the same within the scheduled time every time.


To be the most (customer) preferred organization for service orientation for capital equipment in Electrical domain by 2015.

Core Competencies

We empathize with your views on the importance of the transformers, Switch Gears and HV Motors and the necessity of the flow of power. We are also aware about the essentially of the time within which the troubleshooting must be done. The major industries are located in remotest industrial belts where emergency accessibility is a query. Considering this we will strive to provide immediate online support through the internet and Mobile, apart from this we are equipped with onsite support at the earliest. We are initiating an array of web based solutions which is in the infancy stage in the Service industry at present.

Trans Power has strong values and ethics in conjunction with technologically advanced equipments so as to satisfy our client’s needs and we have experienced technicians and engineers on standby 24X7 so as to answer all your queries and deliver you immediate solutions.

Our team includes dynamic and committed professionals who strongly believe the value of time bound results considering the safety of the equipment and the individuals working around. We strictly follow the prescribed guidelines of the IS standards.

The services we propose to promote at Trans Power will comprise of all the traditional services offered with an amalgamation of technologically advanced, superior, immediate and effective solutions resulting into a perennial flow of power which is the back bone of any manufacturing and processing industries.

Our Pledge
We would appreciate all your support and would pledge that we will provide rational and dependable solutions which will ensure a consistent performance and an incessant flow of power.